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Community Residents
Against the Asphalt Plant

Neighborhood anti-asphalt plant signs
VIDEO: “We want a town healthy and clean around here!”
August, 2015
Many Valley Springs area residents are unhappy about the proposed asphalt plant at the Hogan Quarry and have become “asphalt plant activists.” Local residents hold community meetings*, testify at asphalt plant appeals hearings, write letters to supervisors, planning commissioners, and newspapers, have a Stop the Asphalt Plant page on Facebook, and have even written a song! Click the arrow below for the anti-asphalt plant song by Janice Bassett.
*Click here for July 25 Hogan Asphalt Plant Community Meeting notes. This meeting was held at the La Contenta Events Center in Valley Springs and was attended by at least 60 local residents.

"No Hogan Asphalt Plant" signs on Silver Rapids Road

“No Asphalt Plant” sign at entry to Foothill Materials, Hogan Quarry